IM Membership

Membership is easy:

Rest assured — our uninque strategy ensures our endorsed leaders withstand the pressures of special interests and become engines of a healthy, respectful democracy

Monthly memberships are our most common and also help us plan for the future.

$9 = regular membership

$27 = movement builder

$2 = low income membership

(It’s a sliding scale, so if $5/month feels more comfortable, go for it!)

Donate annually if you prefer.

$99 = regular membership

$249 = movement builder

$24 = low income membership

Why join?

At Incorruptible Mass, we know you care deeply about social, racial, environmental, and economic justice, and a thriving democracy that makes those values a reality.

To have that thriving democracy, you need elected officials who will actually pass the policies we elect them to pass. The problem is, special interests dominate politics, and quickly influence the people we elect. This is infuriating to all of us.

At Incorruptible Mass, we believe elected officials should do what we elect them to do.

We understand how hard you’ve worked these last few years, only to see policies we’ve fought for stalled at all levels of government without even coming up for a vote. That’s why we’ve spent years perfecting our strategy at the local level, and are now helping people just like you make our state representatives do what we elect them to do.

So become a member today, so you can stop feeling frazzled, burnt out, or hopeless, and be part of a supportive community revitalizing democracy right here in our own back yard.  

Together, we’ll enact the social, racial, environmental and economic justice that our seven million Massachusetts residents want, need, and deserve.